Sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW memerintahkan agar setiap muslim sebelum memulai suatu perbuatan hendaklah didahului dengan mengucapkan kalimat Bismillâhirrahmânirrahîm. Sebab ucapan itu akan memberi keberkatan ketika bekerja dan mendapatkan rahmat Allah.

hack / BOT / exploiting / free ENERGY / for Empires & Allies (all working) + Charles Web Debugging

 if it works pls like it and leave comment feedback <-- 
1st the bot is not made by me all credits go to p627 and other developers on

Download all bots here 
download bot or 
EAAbot ver. 0.12beta Big update by p627 

EAA bot is a program which possible you more effective play EmpiresAndAllies.  
Bot is easy to use and absolutely free.  
1st install the EAAbot ver. 0.12beta to something like C:\Program Files\EAABot\   
2 download and  unpack/extract the latest version of multi --> Empires & Allies_Multi_File013.rar
to main bot map like : C:\Program Files\EAABot\  if ask to overwrite click yes  
3 run program and login and be sure to check the littel box to keep you logged in 
let it run when its done you see tabs (to find the tabs file see C:\Program Files\EAABot\Plugins 
4 in the tabs like Materials input your settings do that for all plugin tabs you wanna use 
for the moste updated plugins go to 
[PluginBuying Materials - UPDATE 8/7/11. 
WARNING: It uses coins 
Buy From Market: Very fast. Uses a lot of coins. Doesn't have wood or oil. 
Buy From Neighbor: Fast. Doesn't use as much coins. Depends on what your neighbors have. 
Buy From Everyone: Slow...Search your friend's friend's friends.. for materials on sale on market. Still use coins. 
If you have a problem buying from everyone (it just finish without buying anything), just delete lastvisit.txt file in the Materials or change value to 0. 
You can use the attachment and extract to you EA bot folder. 
Beta stage. This is what I have so far. I don't have much time to work on this. If you find bugs (has a lot of bugs that's for sure!), let me know... 
[Plugin] Industry 0.03 
Below is another patch that adds the Industry plugin. This is based off the Farms plugin, and operates almost the same way. Select the contracts that you want to harvest, and the contracts that you want to purchase for idle factories. All contracts (Lumber, Oil, Ore) are all in the same box, but the bot will make sure all resource types are filled. 
For example if I have 4 lumber contracts, 4 oil contracts, and 4 mining contracts, the bot will first look to see if any lumber mills need filling, then will do oil derricks, and finally mines. It won't wait until all lumber contracts are gone before attempting to fill oil contracts. 
Download 0.03:  [url=<a href=][/url] 
Version 0.03 Changes: 
-Fixed bug where we attempted to fill a contract on the same industry twice 

plugin  [Plugin] Multi | Version 013 | 2011-08-14 | 
Publish version 013 2011-08-04 : IF YOU GET ERROR: data mismatch DON'T RUN THE BOT DON'T WORK WITH your ACCOUNT STOP POST!!!     
change log, latest 
2011-08-14 : In multi plugin in inventory you can see the name to have not the code. 
2011-08-14 : In multi you can select the position to place the item or auto place. 
2011-08-14 : Add new file in Multi plugin with the name Multi_code save many actions. 
2011-08-14 : In multi plugin xp & coins add code to select what action need to collect xp. 
2011-08-14 : In multi plugin add new action with name "Buy any material" buy material to need.
2011-08-14 : In multi plugin add new action with name "Select & Buy Units" Select & buy units. 
2011-08-14 : In neighbors plugin add new code to run faster and better without problem. 
2011-08-14 : In Map plugin add code to see and the state of the items or decorations code "0". 
2011-08-14 : In building plugin add code if get error with cut tree continue to other to cut. 
2011-08-14 : Add code in BotClass.php to don't get many problem for that error "OOS" run better. 
2011-08-14 : Add code from the kpd plugins only download my codebase-php and then replace the plugin kpd. 
2011-08-14 : In multi plugin add new code for the debug plugin is better and faster to reload. 
2011-08-14 : Fix problem with energy get add more code to don't get error any more (faster and better). 
2011-08-14 : In multi plugin now get settings from the xml not from the gzxml code from the debug. 
2011-08-14 : In multi plugin get e & a items work perfect without any problem and without get ban. 
2011-08-14 : In multi plugin Select & Buy Units you can buy and the lock item without pay nothing. 
2011-08-14 : In sell plugin now you don't see the emrty state see the number 0 if don't have nothing. 
Here you can find all the Multi versions => 
If you have some problem with the bot look here: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=8381 
by p627! 
Download the new version here: Empires & Allies_Multi_File013.rar    All Plugins Versions 
suporrt = 
[Plugin][GLITCH] Build locked units 
Tiger Tank: coins: 2,000 oil: 25                  <--normall unlock 20  buy 5 CASH 
Red Tiger Tank: coins: 10,000 oil: 100        <-- normall unlock 36 buy 9 CASH 
Bismark: coins: 20,000 oil: 500                  <--normall unlock 84 buy 21 CASH 
There are 3 new units on the market that require CASH to unlock. With this plugin, you can build any of them without using CASH (atleast it didn't for me). 
The cool thing is you can use any military building to build those units. Yes, you can use Drydocks 01 to build a tank or a Barracks 01 to build a ship     
These new units expire in 3-4 days. Not sure if you can build them after they expire. Hurry before they patch. 
You can use the attachment and extract to you EA bot folder. 
Any feedback is appreciated. 
download here, version over 9000 August 11, 2011 
if you have raven unlocked, you can use ssj's modified version. i have not tested it yet. 
my fb    add me for neighbors  
pls like  : 
if you like it add me on fb  
Streakbonus 2! 
ATTENTİON Working only one time! [Not Repeat] 
Bonus:your level*1,5*55+45=Your max bonus 
New Plugin Neighbors2 version 1.3 
Change log version 1.3 
- added checkbox for buying from non-neighbors 
(some people complain to Z**** when non-friends buy from their markets) 
- minor fixes 
- Download link: 
Change log version 1.2 
- added extra neighbors visit (neighbors' neighbor) - Be patient, need 24 hrs to visit all your neighbors and build extras list 
- can visit 1500 more neighbors and build GoodXp and coins quickly 
- improved neighbors visit 
- faster neighbors visit (removed all delays) 
- merged mass market buying from neighbors by Devi8 
- Neighbors' neighbor is a hack, and you can visit as many as 1500 extra neighbors now. DO NOT misuse this as Z*** will catch you 
- With this Resource & Coins buildup is very very fast -- so use a minimum setting for streak bonus after few days.  
- With max streak bonus you can make 35-40 million coins in 1 day, so after 2-3 days set streak bonus to minimum 
- The mass market buy will use up all your coins if used irresponsibly, be careful !!! 
- changed plugin name to Neighbor2 so it does not conflict with p627's work 
- support BotClass changes in Multi 09 and 010 release from p627 
As major changes were done to support changes in BotClass in Multi 09 & 010 releases, you need to take care of the following: 
1. If you are using Multi 06, 07, or 08 ---> use Neighbors2/Main.php from v1.0 (not supported anymore) 
2. If you are using Multi 09, 09a or 010 --> use Neighbors2/Main.php from v1.1, v1.2 
Install process: 
1. Unrar the files 
2. copy the files to respective folders codebase-php/ and Plugins/ 
3. refresh plugins or restart bot 
[ VIDEO ] how to send energy gift +1 +2 and +3 ( CHARLES ) 
Charles with patch and regist   <-install-> 
Frist install charles and patch 
last write regist key                <-download-> 
Registered name: iNViSiBLE TEAM                                           or 
License key: 1337  <---->                 
this is the link ENJOY watch it full screen    
[ VIDEO ] how to buy the locked units from friends market : 
[ VIDEO ] how to send many request using CHARLES : 
this is the video my friends -----> 
[NEW]Resarch Bug 3 : 
proof of bot working : 
BOT HAS FINISHED WORK 07:40:03  streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:40:02 Collecting building: Barracks 01 07:39:57 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:39:56 Collecting building: Barracks 02 07:39:52 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:39:51 Collecting building: Drydocks 01 07:39:46 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:39:46 Collecting building: Drydocks 02 07:39:41 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:39:40 Collecting building: Hangar 02 07:39:35 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:39:35 Collecting building: Hangar 02 07:39:30 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins07:39:29 Collecting building: Barracks 0207:39:25 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins07:39:24 Collecting building: Barracks 02 07:39:19 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:39:19 Collecting building: Drydocks 02 07:39:13 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:39:12 Collecting building: Hangar 01 07:39:07 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:39:06 Collecting building: Drydocks 01 07:38:59 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:38:58 Collecting building: Drydocks 0107:38:52 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins07:38:51 Collecting building: Barracks 0107:38:44 streakBonus3: 4,619 coins 07:38:43 Collecting building: Barracks 01 07:38:43 ----Start to get xp and coins---- 
07:38:43 >Coins: 155,923,333 Wood: 222,229 Oil: 543,155 Energy: 50

[berbagai sumber]

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